May is a busy month for my family with birthdays! May 4th is Kylie and my grandpa's bday, the 8th is Jared and Josh's, Betsy's husband, Brant's is on the 12th, Devin and I celebrate ours on the 14th, Will's is on the 16th, and my mom and sister in law Autumn have their's on the 17th, and then last but not least, my niece Elsie and brother in law, Dave have their birthdays on the 24th...Oh yeah, and of course I can't forget my mother in law on the 27th! My mom is so good at making sure she remembers everyone's birthdays and had a whole bunch of dinner parties to celebrate. I convinced her after the 3rd party to just combine Brants, Wills and Devin and my bdays into one dinner, since we're all starting to get sick of one another! :) But then I ended up seeing most of them again anyway when Brant had his birthday celebration last Friday night and then Will and I had a BBQ at our house to celebrate ours. Then everyone was there again on Sunday to make sure Mom got the birthday she deserves!
Will and I decided since we just got done with our backyard that we should splurge a little on our birthdays and went out and got patio furniture! I went out and bought a bunch of pots for flowers a few weeks ago, and had some tiki torches from when I bought the house from my housewarming party. Our backyard feels complete and Will and I spend a lot of our extra time out there now. Will surprised me with us going and picking out a fire pit for my birthday to complete the patio. We got to try it out at our BBQ on Saturday and I love it! I'm now trying to convince Will to let me bring a t.v outside so we can watch movies together out there...He'll break down one day, he always does. :) Now if we could just finish our painting project, then the backyard will be complete and gorgeous! We've decided that since our backyard looks so good, we are going to lay sod in the front yard next spring. That grass has had trouble the whole time I've lived here and I've kind of given up on working so hard for almost no results. I need to get out there and do something to make it presentable, though. I haven't given it any attention in the last couple months, except mowing and fertilizing the lawn a couple times and it could use a little TLC right about now.