Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

I just uploaded some pictures from my camera and just wanted to blog about a couple of them...Most of the pictures are honestly of my niece, Elsie and nephew, Colton. We were over at my mom's house a couple weekends ago for my cousin's baby shower and then the next day for Father's Day. I could eat both of these little stinkers up, they are such a joy to be around and so cute! I know I could be biased just because they are the first niece and nephew in our family, but I think they are the funniest, cutest kids out there. Being around them makes me excited at the thought of Will and me having kids in the future. I want them to be just like Elsie and Colt, or at least have colorful personalities like they both have. I think Bryce and Mary (their parents) have done such an awesome job of raising them thus far and don't baby them too much. Elsie is like a small adult and really does understand the things you say and really listens to you. I love that I can actually talk to her and know that she will remember and she responds to questions and comments we say to her. I know that Colt will be like Elsie in that regard, but right now he is too busy being a boy and would rather be rough and tumble than sit and listen to you read a book or try to talk to him. He can really get me laughing though sometimes, he can be so easily amused and laughs his head off, which in turns makes everyone around him laugh too! I am so glad that I get to live so close to them and that I get to be around to watch them grow up and be a part of their lives the way that I am.

Elsie and Colt both love all dogs. My sister, Betsy, brings her dog, Kodiak to dinner most Sunday's and the kids just want to squeeze him and love on him, and he gets a little nervous around them.

Josh, my brother, also brings his dog, Cosmo (or Mo Mo, as Josh calls him) most of the time and he really does his best to try to stay away from Elsie and Colt trying to clobber him, or he tries to steal the food from their hands as often as possible. He's a pretty funny dog and loves Josh more than anything, so when I caught them sitting side by side on the couch together I had to get the shot!

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